Showing posts with label toolkit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toolkit. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 October 2022

How to Download - Microsoft 365 and Office 365 Official Icons

  1. Login to
  2. Go to resources
  3. Tick the Downloads check box
  4. Click on "Download the branding tookit" to download all official Microsoft icons.

The Microsoft 365 and Office 365 toolkit offers icon assets and naming standards for use solely in Microsoft 365 and Office (Office 2019) onboarding training for places that do not currently offer Microsoft 365. Please follow the Microsoft Trademark and Brand Guidelines, as well as the FastTrack licencing agreement included in the kit.

FREE Cybersecurity Certifications

Here's 15 FREE courses provided by the Qualys. The cybersecurity firm Qualys focuses on providing cloud-based security and compliance so...