Showing posts with label Package. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Package. Show all posts

Friday 25 November 2022

Solved Driver Package Error: The specified folder does not exist or sms provider computer has no read, write or delete subfolders and files permissions to it

Error When Creating Driver Package:

New-CMDriverPackage : ConfigMgr Error Object:
instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus
Description = "SMS provider doesn't have read, write or delete permission to the package source path";
ErrorCode = 2;
File = "X:\\bt\\1216594\\repo\\src\\SiteServer\\SDK_Provider\\SMSProv\\sspdriverpackage.cpp";
Line = 131;
ObjectInfo = "\\\\CCNMEM01\\Drivers$\\Printers\\KONICA MINOLTA";
Operation = "PutInstance";
ParameterInfo = "";
ProviderName = "ExtnProv";
StatusCode = 2147749889;
At line:1 char:1
+ New-CMDriverPackage -Name "PrinterPkg - KONICA MINOLTA" -Description ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Microsoft.Confi...ewDriverPackage:NewDriverPackage) [New-CMDriverPackage], WqlQueryException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnhandledException,Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Osd.NewDriverPackage


Please add SMS Provider computer account (in my case I installed SMS provider in my primary server - ConfigMgrPS1) and SYSTEM account with full control permission to the driver UNC shared network folder.

Thursday 9 December 2021

SQL Query to find Configuration Manager Application's Dependencies

In this blog we have provided the SQL query to find all the dependent applications of every application packaged in the Configuration Manager. We have joined Table-valued Functions such as fn_ListApplicationCIs & fn_ListDeploymentTypeCIs and vSMS_AppRelation_Flat view to get the expected output.

SQL Query to find Dependent Applications

WMI class SMS_ApplicationAssignment server can be referred for other application assignment properties and values.

Friday 3 December 2021

Configuration Manager: WQL Query to find the machines based on Deployment Status

WQL Query to find the machines falls under unknown tab for any application or software update deployments:

Select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,
From SMS_R_System
Join SMS_SUMDeploymentAssetDetails D
On SMS_R_System.resourceID = D.resourceID
Where D.assignmentID = '<Assignment ID>' and D.StatusType = '<Status No>'

To 'Assignment ID', Open Configuration Manager Console > Monitoring > Overview > Deployment > Select and right click the deployment and tick the Assignment ID

Assignment ID

Once you selected Assignment ID, a column will be added like below then copy the ID for your query:

And for machine status, below are the values for the respective status (Screenshot from Microsoft Document - SMS_SUMDeploymentAssetDetails Server WMI Class):

For example for Unknown machines:

Select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,
From SMS_R_System
Join SMS_SUMDeploymentAssetDetails D
On SMS_R_System.resourceID = D.resourceID
Where D.assignmentID = '16779116' and D.StatusType = '4'

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