Friday 25 November 2022

Solved Driver Package Error: The specified folder does not exist or sms provider computer has no read, write or delete subfolders and files permissions to it

Error When Creating Driver Package:

New-CMDriverPackage : ConfigMgr Error Object:
instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus
Description = "SMS provider doesn't have read, write or delete permission to the package source path";
ErrorCode = 2;
File = "X:\\bt\\1216594\\repo\\src\\SiteServer\\SDK_Provider\\SMSProv\\sspdriverpackage.cpp";
Line = 131;
ObjectInfo = "\\\\CCNMEM01\\Drivers$\\Printers\\KONICA MINOLTA";
Operation = "PutInstance";
ParameterInfo = "";
ProviderName = "ExtnProv";
StatusCode = 2147749889;
At line:1 char:1
+ New-CMDriverPackage -Name "PrinterPkg - KONICA MINOLTA" -Description ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Microsoft.Confi...ewDriverPackage:NewDriverPackage) [New-CMDriverPackage], WqlQueryException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnhandledException,Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Osd.NewDriverPackage


Please add SMS Provider computer account (in my case I installed SMS provider in my primary server - ConfigMgrPS1) and SYSTEM account with full control permission to the driver UNC shared network folder.

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