Variables | Class | Description | SCCM 2007 | SCCM 2012 |
_SMSTSAdvertID | Built in | Stores the current running task sequence deployment unique ID. It uses the same format as a Configuration Manager software distribution deployment ID. If the task sequence is running from stand-alone media, this variable is undefined. | Yes | Yes |
_TSAppInstallStatus | Built in | No | Yes | |
_SMSTSBootImageID | Built in | Stores the Configuration Manager boot image package ID if a boot image package is associated with the current running task sequence. The variable will not be set if no Configuration Manager boot image package is associated. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSBootUEFI | Built in | No | Yes | |
_SMSTSClientGUID | Built in | Stores the value of Configuration Manager client GUID. This variable is not set if the task sequence is running from stand-alone media. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSCurrentActionName | Built in | Specifies the name of the currently running task sequence step. This variable is set before the task sequence manager runs each individual step. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSDownloadOnDemand | Built in | Set to true if the current task sequence is running in download-on-demand mode, which means the task sequence manager downloads content locally only when it must access the content. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSInWinPE | Built in | This variable is set to true when the current task sequence step is running in the Windows PE environment, and it is set to false if not. You can test this task sequence variable to determine the current operating system environment. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSLastActionRetCode | Built in | Stores the return code that was returned by the last action that was run. This variable can be used as a condition to determine if the next step is run. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSLastActionSucceeded | Built in | The variable is set to true if the last action succeeded and to false if the last action failed. If the last action was skipped because the step was disabled or the associated condition evaluated to false, this variable is not reset, which means it still holds the value for the previous action. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSLaunchMode | Built in | Specifies the task sequence launch method. The task sequence can have the following values: | Yes | Yes |
SMS - specifies that the task sequence is started by using the Configuration Manager client. | ||||
UFD - specifies that the task sequence is started by using USB media and that the USB media was created in Windows XP/2003. | ||||
HD - specifies that the task sequence was started from a hard disk (prestaged media only). | ||||
PXE - specifies that the task sequence is started from PXE. | ||||
DVD - specifies that the task sequence is started by using a DVD. | ||||
CD - specifies that the task sequence is started by using a CD. | ||||
UFD+FORMAT - specifies that the task sequence is started by using USB media and that the USB media was created in Windows Vista or later. | ||||
_SMSTSLogPath | Built in | Stores the full path of the log directory. This can be used to determine where actions are logged. This value is not set when a hard drive is not available. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSMachineName | Built in | Stores and specifies the computer name. Stores the name of the computer that the task sequence will use to log all status messages. To change the computer name in the new operating system, use the OSDComputerName variable. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSMDataPath | Built in | Specifies the path defined by the SMSTSLocalDataDrive variable. When you define SMSTSLocalDataDrive before the task sequence starts, such as by setting a collection variable, Configuration Manager then defines the _SMSTSMDataPath variable once the Task Sequence starts. | No | Yes |
_SMSTSMediaType | Built in | Specifies the type of media that is used to initiate the installation. Examples of types of media are Boot Media, Full Media, PXE, and Prestaged Media. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSMP | Built in | Stores the name or IP address of a Configuration Manager management point. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSMPPort | Built in | Stores the management point port number of a Configuration Manager management point. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSOrgName | Built in | Stores the branding title name that is displayed in a task sequence progress user interface dialog box. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSPackageID | Built in | Stores the current running task sequence ID. This ID uses the same format as a Configuration Manager software package ID. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSPackageName | Built in | Stores the current running task sequence name specified by the Configuration Manager administrator when the task sequence is created. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSRunFromDP | Built in | Set to true if the current task sequence is running in run-from-distribution-point mode, which means the task sequence manager obtains required package shares from distribution point. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSSiteCode | Built in | Stores the site code of the Configuration Manager site. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSType | Built in | Specifies the type of the current running task sequence. It can have the following values: | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSTimezone | Built in | The _SMSTSTimezone variable stores the time zone information in the following format (without spaces): | Yes | Yes |
Bias, StandardBias, DaylightBias, StandardDate.wYear, wMonth, wDayOfWeek, wDay, wHour, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliseconds, DaylightDate.wYear, wMonth, wDayOfWeek, wDay, wHour, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliseconds, StandardName, DaylightName | ||||
_SMSTSUseCRL | Built in | Specifies whether the task sequence uses the certificate revocation list when it uses a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate to communicate with the management point. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSUserStarted | Built in | Specifies whether a task sequence is started by a user. This variable is set only if the task sequence is started from the Software Center. For example, if _SMSTSLaunchMode is set to SMS. The variable can have the following values: | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSUseSSL | Built in | Specifies whether the task sequence uses SSL to communicate with the Configuration Manager management point. If your site is running in native mode, the value is set to true. | Yes | Yes |
_SMSTSWTG | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSAssignmentsDownloadInterval | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSAssignmentsDownloadRetry | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSAssignUsersMode | Built in | Specifies how a task sequence associates users with the destination computer. Set the variable to one of the following values. | No | Yes |
SMSTSDownloadProgram | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSDownloadRetryCount | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSDownloadRetryDelay | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSErrorDialogTimeout | Built in | When an error occurs in a task sequence, a dialog box is displayed that is automatically dismissed after a number of seconds specified by this variable. By default, the dialog box is automatically dismissed after 900 seconds (15 minutes).. | Yes | Yes |
TSErrorOnWarning | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSLanguageFolder | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSLocalDataDrive | Built in | Specifies where temporary files are stored on the destination computer while the task sequence is running. | Yes | Yes |
SMSTSMPListRequestTimeout | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSPersistContent | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSPostAction | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSPreferredAdvertID | Built in | Forces a specific targeted deployment on the destination computer to be run. This can be set through a prestart command from media or PXE. If this variable is set, the task sequence overrides any required deployments. | No | Yes |
OSDPreserveDriveLetter | Built in | No | Yes | |
SMSTSRebootDelay | Built in | Specifies how many seconds to wait before the computer restarts. The task sequence manager will display a notification dialog before reboot if this variable is not set to 0. | Yes | Yes |
SMSTSRebootMessage | Built in | Specifies the message to display in the shutdown dialog box when a restart is requested. If this variable is not set, a default message will appear. | Yes | Yes |
SMSTSRebootRequested | Built in | Indicates that a restart is requested after the current task sequence step is completed. If a restart is required, just set this variable to true, and the task sequence manager will restart the computer after this task sequence step. The task sequence step must set this task sequence variable if it requires the restart to complete the task sequence step. After the computer is restarted, the task sequence will continue to run from the next task sequence step. | Yes | Yes |
SMSTSRetryRequested | Built in | Requests a retry after the current task sequence step is completed. If this task sequence variable is set, the SMSTSRebootRequested must also be set to true. After the computer is restarted, the task sequence manager will rerun the same task sequence step. | Yes | Yes |
SMSTSUDAUsers | Built in | Specifies the primary user of the destination computer. Specify the users by using the following format. Separate multiple users by using a comma (,). | No | Yes |
OSDDataImageIndex | Apply Data image | Specifies the index value of the image that is applied to the destination computer. | Yes | Yes |
OSDWipeDestinationPartition | Apply Data image | Specifies whether to delete the files located on the destination partition. | Yes | Yes |
OSDApplyDriverBootCriticalContentUniqueID | Apply Driver package | Specifies the content ID of the mass storage device driver to install from the driver package. If this is not specified, no mass storage driver is installed. | Yes | Yes |
OSDApplyDriverBootCriticalINFFile | Apply Driver package | Specifies the INF file of the mass storage driver to install. | Yes | Yes |
OSDApplyDriverBootCriticalHardwareComponent | Apply Driver package | Specifies whether a mass storage device driver is installed, this must be “scsiâ€. | Yes | Yes |
OSDApplyDriverBootCriticalID | Apply Driver package | Specifies the boot critical ID of the mass storage device driver to install. This ID is listed in the "scsi" section of the device driver’s txtsetup.oem file. | Yes | Yes |
OSDAllowUnsignedDriver | Apply Driver package | Specifies whether to configure Windows to allow the installation of unsigned device drivers. This task sequence variable is not used when deploying the Windows Vista and later operating system. | Yes | Yes |
OSDAdapter | Apply Network Settings | This task sequence variable is an array variable. Each element in the array represents the settings for a single network adapter on the computer. The settings defined for each adapter are accessed by combining the array variable name with the zero-based network adapter index and the property name. | Yes | Yes |
OSDAdapterCount | Apply Network Settings | Specifies the number of network adapters installed on the destination computer. When the OSDAdapterCount value is set, all the configuration options for each adapter must be set. For example, if you set the OSDAdapterTCPIPNetbiosOptions value for a specific adapter then all the values for that adapter must also be configured. | Yes | Yes |
OSDDNSDomain | Apply Network Settings | Specifies the primary DNS server that is used by the destination computer. | Yes | Yes |
OSDDomainName | Apply Network Settings | Specifies the name of the Windows domain that the destination computer joins. The specified value must be a valid Active Directory Domain Services domain name. | Yes | Yes |
OSDDomainOUName | Apply Network Settings | Specifies the RFC 1779 format name of the organizational unit (OU) that the destination computer joins. If specified, the value must contain the full path. | Yes | Yes |
OSDEnableTCPIPFiltering | Apply Network Settings | Specifies whether TCP/IP filtering is enabled. | Yes | Yes |
OSDJoinAccount | Apply Network Settings | Specifies the network account that is used to add the destination computer to a Windows domain. | Yes | Yes |
OSDJoinPassword | Apply Network Settings | Specifies the network password that is used to add the destination computer to a Windows domain. | Yes | Yes |
OSDNetworkJoinType | Apply Network Settings | Specifies whether the destination computer joins a Windows domain or a workgroup. | Yes | Yes |
OSDDNSSuffixSearchOrder | Apply Network Settings | Specifies the DNS search order for the destination computer. | Yes | Yes |
OSDWorkgroupName | Apply Network Settings | Specifies the name of the workgroup that the destination computer joins. | Yes | Yes |
OSDConfigFileName | Apply OS image | Specifies the file name of the operating system deployment answer file associated with the operating system deployment package. | Yes | Yes |
OSDImageIndex | Apply OS image | Specifies the image index value of the WIM file that is applied to the destination computer. | Yes | Yes |
OSDInstallEditionIndex | Apply OS image | Specifies the version of Windows Vista or later operating system that is installed. If no version is specified, Windows setup will determine which version to install using the referenced product key. | Yes | Yes |
OSDTargetSystemDrive | Apply OS image | Specifies the drive letter of the partition that contains the operating system files. | Yes | Yes |
OSDComputerName | Apply Windows Settings | Specifies the name of the destination computer. | Yes | Yes |
OSDProductKey | Apply Windows Settings | Specifies the Windows product key. | Yes | Yes |
OSDRegisteredUserName | Apply Windows Settings | Specifies the default registered user name in the new operating system. | Yes | Yes |
OSDRegisteredOrgName | Apply Windows Settings | Specifies the default registered organization name in the new operating system. | Yes | Yes |
OSDTimeZone | Apply Windows Settings | Specifies the default time zone setting that is used in the new operating system. | Yes | Yes |
OSDServerLicenseMode | Apply Windows Settings | Specifies the Windows Server license mode that is used. | Yes | Yes |
OSDServerLicenseConnectionLimit | Apply Windows Settings | Specifies the maximum number of connections allowed. | Yes | Yes |
OSDRandomAdminPassword | Apply Windows Settings | Specifies a randomly generated password for the administrator account in the new operating system. If set to “trueâ€, the local administrator account will be disabled on the target computer. If set to “falseâ€, the local administrator account will be enabled on the target computer, and the local administrator account password will be assigned the value of the variable OSDLocalAdminPassword. | Yes | Yes |
OSDLocalAdminPassword | Apply Windows Settings | Specifies the local administrator password. This value is ignored if the Randomly generate the local administrator password and disable the account on all supported platforms option is enabled. | Yes | Yes |
OSDAutoApplyDriverCategoryList | Auto Apply Drivers | A comma-delimited list of the driver catalog category unique IDs. If specified, the Auto Apply Driver task sequence action considers only those drivers that are in at least one of these categories when installing drivers. This value is optional, and it is not set by default. The available category IDs can be obtained by enumerating the list of SMS_CategoryInstance objects on the site. | Yes | Yes |
OSDAllowUnsignedDriver | Auto Apply Drivers | Specifies whether Windows is configured to allow unsigned device drivers to be installed. This task sequence variable is not used when deploying Windows Vista and later operating systems. | Yes | Yes |
OSDAutoApplyDriverBestMatch | Auto Apply Drivers | Specifies what the task sequence action does if there are multiple device drivers in the driver catalog that are compatible with a hardware device. If set to "trueâ€, only the best device driver will be installed. If “falseâ€, all compatible device drivers will be installed, and the operating system will choose the best driver to use. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateAdapterSettings | Capture Network Settings | Specifies whether the network adapter settings (TCP/IP, DNS, and WINS) configuration information is captured. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateNetworkMembership | Capture Network Settings | Specifies whether the workgroup or domain membership information is migrated as part of the operating system deployment. | Yes | Yes |
OSDCaptureAccount | Capture OS Image | Specifies a Windows account name that has permissions to store the captured image on a network share. | Yes | Yes |
OSDCaptureAccountPassword | Capture OS Image | Specifies the password for the Windows account used to store the captured image on a network share. | Yes | Yes |
OSDCaptureDestination | Capture OS Image | Specifies the location where the captured operating system image is saved. The maximum directory name length is 255 characters. | Yes | Yes |
OSDImageCreator | Capture OS Image | An optional name of the user who created the image. This name is stored in the WIM file. The maximum length of the user name is 255 characters. | Yes | Yes |
OSDImageDescription | Capture OS Image | An optional user-defined description of the captured operating system image. This description is stored in the WIM file. The maximum length of the description is 255 characters. | Yes | Yes |
OSDImageVersion | Capture OS Image | An optional user-defined version number to assign to the captured operating system image. This version number is stored in the WIM file. This value can be any combination of letters with a maximum length of 32 characters. | Yes | Yes |
OSDTargetSystemRoot | Capture OS Image | Specifies the path to the Windows directory of the installed operating system on the reference computer. This operating system is verified as being a supported operating system for capture by Configuration Manager. | Yes | Yes |
OSDStateStorePath | Capture user state | The UNC or local path name of the folder where the user state is saved. No default. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateAdditionalCaptureOptions | Capture user state | Specifies user state migration tool (USMT) command line options that are used when capturing the user state, but not exposed in the Configuration Manager user interface. The additional options are specified in the form of a string that is appended to the automatically generated USMT command line. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateMode | Capture user state | Allows you to customize the files that are captured by USMT. If this variable is set to “Simple,†then only the standard USMT configuration files are used. If this variable is set to “Advanced,†then the task sequence variable OSDMigrateConfigFiles specifies the configuration files that the USMT uses. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateConfigFiles | Capture user state | Specifies the configuration files used to control the capture of user profiles. This variable is used only if OSDMigrateMode is set to “Advancedâ€. This comma-delimited list value is set to perform customized user profile migration. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateContinueOnLockedFiles | Capture user state | Allows the user state capture to proceed if some files cannot be captured. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateEnableVerboseLogging | Capture user state | Enables verbose logging for the USMT. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateSkipEncryptedFiles | Capture user state | Specifies whether encrypted files are captured. | Yes | Yes |
_OSDMigrateUsmtPackageID | Capture user state | Specifies the package ID of the Configuration Manager package that will contain the USMT files. This variable is required. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateComputerName | Capture Windows settings | Specifies whether the computer name is migrated. | Yes | Yes |
OSDComputerName | Capture Windows settings | Set to the NetBIOS name of the computer. The value is set only if the OSDMigrateComputerName variable is set to “trueâ€. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateRegistrationInfo | Capture Windows settings | Specifies whether the computer user and organizational information is migrated. | Yes | Yes |
OSDRegisteredOrgName | Capture Windows settings | Set to the registered organization name of the computer. The value is set only if the OSDMigrateRegistrationInfo variable is set to “trueâ€. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateTimeZone | Capture Windows settings | Specifies whether the computer time zone is migrated. | Yes | Yes |
OSDTimeZone | Capture Windows settings | Set to the time zone of the computer. The value is set only if the OSDMigrateTimeZone variable is set to “trueâ€. | Yes | Yes |
SMSConnectNetworkFolderAccount | Connect to network | Specifies the administrator account that is used to connect to the network share. | Yes | Yes |
SMSConnectNetworkFolderDriveLetter | Connect to network | Specifies the network drive letter to connect to. This value is optional; if it is not specified, then the network connection is not mapped to a drive letter. | Yes | Yes |
SMSConnectNetworkFolderPassword | Connect to network | Specifies the network password that is used to connect to the network share. | Yes | Yes |
SMSConnectNetworkFolderPath | Connect to network | Specifies the network path for the connection. | Yes | Yes |
OSDConvertDiskIndex | Convert disk | Specifies the physical disk number that is converted. | Yes | Yes |
OSDBitLockerRecoveryPassword | Enable bitlocker | Instead of generating a random recovery password, the Enable BitLocker task sequence action uses the specified value as the recovery password. The value must be a valid numerical BitLocker recovery password. | Yes | Yes |
OSDBitLockerStartupKey | Enable bitlocker | Instead of generating a random startup key for the key management option “Startup Key on USB only,†the Enable BitLocker task sequence action uses the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) as the startup key. The value must be a valid, 256-bit Base64-encoded BitLocker startup key. | Yes | Yes |
OSDDiskIndex | Format/Partition | Specifies the physical disk number to be partitioned. | Yes | Yes |
OSDDiskpartBiosCompatibilityMode | Format/Partition | Specifies whether to disable cache alignment optimizations when partitioning the hard disk for compatibility with certain types of BIOS. This can be necessary when deploying Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 operating systems. For more information, see article 931760 and article 931761 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. | Yes | Yes |
OSDGPTBootDisk | Format/Partition | Specifies whether to create an EFI partition on a GPT hard disk so that it can be used as the startup disk on EFI-based computers. | Yes | Yes |
OSDPartitions | Format/Partition | Specifies an array of partition settings; see the SDK topic for accessing array variables in the task sequence environment. | Yes | Yes |
OSDPartitionStyle | Format/Partition | Specifies the partition style to use when partitioning the disk. "MBR" indicates the master boot record partition style, and "GPT" indicates the GUID Partition Table style. | Yes | Yes |
SMSInstallUpdateTarget | Software Updates | Specifies whether to install all updates or only mandatory updates. | Yes | Yes |
OSDJoinAccount | Domain Join | Specifies the account that is used by the destination computer to join the Windows domain. This variable is required when joining a domain. | Yes | Yes |
OSDJoinDomainName | Domain Join | Specifies the name of a Windows domain the destination computer joins. | No | Yes |
OSDJoinDomainOUName | Domain Join | Specifies the RFC 1779 format name of the organizational unit (OU) that the destination computer joins. If specified, the value must contain the full path. | No | Yes |
OSDJoinPassword | Domain Join | Specifies the network password that is used by the destination computer to join the Windows domain. If the variable is not specified then a blank password is tried. | Yes | Yes |
OSDJoinSkipReboot | Domain Join | Specifies whether to skip restarting after the destination computer joins the domain or workgroup. | Yes | Yes |
OSDJoinType | Domain Join | Specifies whether the destination computer joins a Windows domain or a workgroup. To join the destination computer to a Windows domain specify "0". To join the destination computer to a workgroup specify "1". | Yes | Yes |
OSDJoinWorkgroupName | Domain Join | Specifies the name of a workgroup that the destination computer joins. | Yes | Yes |
OSDBuildStorageDriverList | Prepare capture | Specifies whether sysprep builds a mass storage device driver list. This setting applies to only Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. It will populate the [SysprepMassStorage] section of sysprep.inf with information on all the mass storage drivers that are supported by the image to be captured. | Yes | Yes |
OSDKeepActivation | Prepare capture | Specifies whether sysprep resets the product activation flag. | Yes | Yes |
OSDTargetSystemRoot | Prepare capture | Specifies the path to the Windows directory of the installed operating system on the reference computer. This operating system is verified as being a supported operating system for capture by Configuration Manager. | Yes | Yes |
OSDStateStorePath | State Store | The UNC or local pathname to the location from which the user state is restored. This value is used by both the Capture User State task sequence action and the Restore User State task sequence action. | Yes | Yes |
OSDStateFallbackToNAA | State Store | Specifies whether the Network Access Account is used as a fallback when the computer account fails to connect to the state migration point. | Yes | Yes |
OSDStateSMPRetryCount | State Store | Specifies the number of times that the task sequence step tries to find a state migration point before the step fails. | Yes | Yes |
OSDStateSMPRetryTime | State Store | Specifies the number of seconds that the task sequence step waits between retry attempts. The number of seconds can be a maximum of 30 characters. | Yes | Yes |
OSDStateStorePath | State Store | The UNC path to the folder on the state migration point where the user state is stored. | Yes | Yes |
SMSRebootMessage | Restart | Specifies the message to be displayed to users before restarting the destination computer. If this variable is not set, the default message text is displayed. | Yes | Yes |
SMSRebootTimeout | Restart | Specifies the number of seconds that the warning is displayed to the user before the computer restarts. Specify zero seconds to indicate that no reboot message is displayed. | Yes | Yes |
OSDStateStorePath | Restore user state | The UNC or local pathname of the folder from which the user state is restored. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateContinueOnRestore | Restore user state | Specifies that the user state restoration continues even if some files cannot be restored. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateEnableVerboseLogging | Restore user state | Enables verbose logging for the USMT tool. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateLocalAccounts | Restore user state | Specifies whether the local computer account is restored. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateLocalAccountPassword | Restore user state | If the OSDMigrateLocalAccounts variable is “true,†this variable must contain the password that is assigned to all local accounts that are migrated. Because the same password is assigned to all migrated local accounts, it is considered a temporary password that will be changed later by some method other than Configuration Manager operating system deployment. | Yes | Yes |
OSDMigrateAdditionalRestoreOptions | Restore user state | Specifies additional user state migration tool (USMT) command line options that are used when restoring the user state. The additional options are specified in the form of a string that is appended to the automatically generated USMT command line. | Yes | Yes |
_OSDMigrateUsmtRestorePackageID | Restore user state | Specifies the package ID of the Configuration Manager package that contains the USMT files. This variable is required. | Yes | Yes |
SMSTSDisableWow64Redirection | Command line | By default, when running on a 64-bit operating system, the program in the command line is located and run using the WOW64 file system redirector so that 32-bit versions of operating system programs and DLLs are found. Setting this variable to “true†disables the use of the WOW64 file system redirector so that native 64-bit versions of operating system programs and DLLs can be found. This variable has no effect when running on a 32-bit operating system. | Yes | Yes |
WorkingDirectory | Command line | Specifies the starting directory for a command-line action. | Yes | Yes |
SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName | Command line | Specifies the account by which the command line is run. The value is a string of the form username or domain\username. | Yes | Yes |
SMSTSRunCommandLinePassword | Command line | Specifies the password for the account specified by the SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName variable. | Yes | Yes |
SMSClientInstallProperties | Setup SCCM | Specifies the client installation properties that are used when installing the Configuration Manager client. | Yes | Yes |
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Thursday, 3 November 2022
Configuration Manager | Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variables
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